تاریخ انتشارشنبه ۱۰ مهر ۱۳۸۹ ساعت ۱۶:۲۱
کد مطلب : ۴۳۸
When we hear the word “Deliverance”, we feel pleased and happy. Like being in heaven, his deliverance makes us feel in heaven. But when is his deliverance and what happens?

Time of his deliverance:
A question which is never answered is the time of his deliverance. We all ask: “when is it, then?” But according to Hadiths the exact time of his deliverance is a secret. Imam Sadeq (p.b.u.h.) says:
“we have not predetermined an exact time for [his] deliverance and shall not in future.”
Therefore, those who foretell and set a time for his deliverance are liars and deceitful. This is strongly stressed in many Hadiths. Imam Baqer (p.b.u.h.) says:
“Those who predetermine a time for [his] deliverance are liars! Those who predetermine a time for [his] deliverance are liars! Those who predetermine a time for [his] deliverance are liars!”
However, there are always some who try to predetermine a time for Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.)’s deliverance. So our Imams have emphasized that they are liars and we should strictly reject them.
Imam Sadeq (p.b.u.h.) says:
“Do not be afraid of rejecting those who predetermine the time of [his] deliverance, for we have not set a time for anyone.”

Why is the time of his deliverance a secret?
There are some reasons for the time of his deliverance being a secret. Here we mention some of them.

1. Hope
when no one knows the time of his deliverance, we all remain hopeful and wish that he may come back at our time. If in the past someone had told Shiites that Imam Mahdi will not come back at your time, how would they possibly stay steadfast in their faith and how hopefully could they pass the difficult times?

2. Preparation
Awaiting is certainly an important factor to keep the society dynamic. When the time of something occurrence is not clear everyone try to prepare himself for that. But if this secret is revealed, those who find out it won’t happen in their time, get disappointed and so not tend to move forward.
On the other hand, if the time is predetermined, but Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) does not come at the promised time, based on some divine reasons, some people may doubt in his existence or Imamate. They asked Imam Baqer (p.b.u.h.) about the time of his deliverance. He said:
“Those who predetermine a time for [his] deliverance are liars; and repeated this sentence,) when Moses went to Mount Sina for 30 days and left his people, God ordered him to stay there for 10 days more. His people said: “Moses lied and he won’t come back!” and did what they shouldn’t have done. [they began to worship a calf.]”

How will this happen?
What will really happen when he rises up? We are eager to know all about his revolution. When is it and where is his starting point? How will he overcome his enemies and what will he do to them? How will he rule over the entire world? These are questions waiting to be answered. Surely it is difficult to talk about something which will happen in future; yet we know just a few things about its details. Therefore, we can narrate some explanations just from Hadiths. Here is a view of his time:

When the darkness is the ruling on the earth, are cruel rulers rule over the world, and the oppressed people beg God to help them, a heavenly cry will be heard in Ramadan. He announces the deliverance of God’s last proof on earth. The followers of evil fearfully seek a solution to stop God’s will, but the expectants of Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) eagerly seek him to join his army. Then, Sofyani, who rules over a large area in Middle East, sends his troops to fight with Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.). The whole army will be disappeared in a place between Mecca and Medina, named Bayda. They will be taken in the earth and destroyed.
Then a pure soul, an innocent and virtuous man, will be murdered and after a short time, Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) will come back as a young man, wearing the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.)’s shirt. In Masjid – al – Haram he leans back to Ka’aba and between Rokn and Magham announces his deliverance. He praises God and then says:
“Oh! Fellows! I ask God to help and support me and invite all the people around the world who hear me to support me.”
Then he introduces his family and continues:
“Remember God and protect my rights. Do not heave me alone and support me; may God support you.”
When he finishes his speech, all angels from the heaven come down and swear to support him. Before all of them is Gabriel, who brought divine revelations to holy prophet (p.b.u.h.), goes to him and promises to support him.
After that, his three hundred and thirteen apostles gather in Mecca and swear to support him. Then his army of ten thousand soldiers is ready to fight.
Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) will soon conquer Mecca and defeat his enemies. Then he moves to Medina and conquers there as well. When he cleared Arabia from evil, he goes with his army to Iraq and appoints Kufa as his center and organizes his revolution and Manages his movement from Kufa. To invite all the people of the world to join him, he sends his men all around the world.
Besides the faithful soldiers who serve him in his army, he rules a huge army of angels. Therefore, he conquers the world. Step by step and his enemies are so frightened that he can soon vanquish tem all. He has another army, which is “fear”. His name frightens all the followers of evil and this is by God’s will.
Imam Baqer (p.b.u.h.) says:
“our Upholder is supported by the army of fear”
one of strategic places conquered by Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) is Jerusalem. When his army take the control of Jerusalem, a crucial event happens, this strengthens his followers. Jesus Christ, who is alive and was taken up to heaven, descends and joins Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.). Following Jesus a lot of Christians join him as well. Jesus stands by his side and prays behind him. This shows Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.)’s high position in the universe.
They holy prophet says:
“I swear to God, who truly sent me and ordered me to announce good news to people, if remains just one day to the end of days, God makes that day as long as that my son, Mahdi (p.b.u.h.) rises up and Jesus Christ comes down from heaven and joins him and then prays behind him.”
It seems that God has saved Jesus’ life for such a day to join him and guide many people to follow him.
Another miracle is that he finds the real slates of Ten commandment of Moses and the Jews, seeing the signs of his Imamate in them, believe in him and join him.
The rest of people who see this great change in the world follow him as will and at last the promised news come true. Therefore, all the people join Islam.
“He it is who has sent his Messenger with Guidance and the true religion to overcome the other ways of life, no matter how it may disgust a pagan!”
according to these Hadith the only people who remain are the cruel ones, who do not wish to join Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h.)’s movement. So he kills all of them and clears the world from their filthy bodies.
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